Statue of Santa Fe Lady of La Leche Santa Fe Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche Lady of La Leche Shrine at night


St. Madeleine's Catholic Church
High Springs, Fl. 32643
www.StMadeleinesFuture,org (activities)


October 11th, 2019

An All Day Event


Morning Mass 8:30
Adoration of Blessed Sacrament  9:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Rosary 9:15 AM
Rosary 10:00 AM
Rosary 11:00 AM
Angelus & Litany of Our Lady of La Leche 12:00 PM
Rosary 1:00 PM
Rosary 2:00 PM
Divine Mercy Chaplet Chanted 3:00PM
Rosary 4:00 PM
Rosary 5:00 PM
Eucharistic Procession - Shrine to Church 5:30 PM
(with Reposition of Blessed Sacrament)
Evening Mass & Consecration 6:00 PM
Reception in Fr, Sebastian Hall 7:00 PM


Our Lady of La Leche


Sunrise at St. Madeleine Catholic Church

and Santa Fe Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche






We begin our day in the Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche

for an 8:30 AM Mass  10/11/19





Refreshments all day in Father Sebastian Hall

Sharing Time and Talents












9:15  AM Rosary and Our Lady of La Leche Prayer







10:00 AM  Multi Lingual Rosary




11:00 AM Rosary (Gainesville)




12 Noon Fr. Marek Leads Angelus and Litany






1:00 PM  Rosary and Silent Prayer




2:00 PM Special Flame of Love Rosary





3:00 PM  Divine Mercy Chaplet - Chanted

We are all sinners so it is right that we beg God for His Mercy






4:00 PM  Rosary for Right to Life & the Unborn



5:00 PM  Rosary - Parish Youth








5:40 PM   Litany of Our Lady of La Leche and Procession to Church






6:00 PM Mass and Consecration














Fellowship in Fr. Sebastian Hall - End of Day





The End of this Day.





One Month Earlier.......

Preparation for This Consecration Began on August 13th

with Talk by Fr. Gillespie


Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you.


Center picture is a link to evening's video


  A Few Key Points  

A Christian is one who shares in the Life of Christ.
To love Christ we must know Christ.
Knowing His Mother Mary is being on the road to Christ.
"Do as He says." - Our Mother Mary.

We have three choices.
Christ's Way. A world way. My way.
Following Christ's way leads to Heaven.
The world way....maybe. My way...maybe.
Be safe.: "Do as He says."

We must Worship God in the way He told us.
This IS My Body.
This IS My Blood.
DO THIS in Remembrance of Me.
"Do as He says."


DEVOTION to Mary is a RELATIONSHIP not a behavior. Baby Jesus had a Devotion to his Mother.

In Fr. Sebastian Hall our Pastor Fr. Marek conducted the first day of Preparation for the Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary.

Click picture for video of presentation.